Category: News

Eurotransplant publishes digital Annual Report 2019

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Eurotransplant digital Annual Report 2019. This environmentally friendly, digital Annual Report includes clickable (web)links which makes it easy to navigate through the document. The 2019 edition presents the key statistics on most relevant developments in waiting list, organ donation and transplantation in all Eurotransplant countries. Furthermore, an overview is presented of the activities that took place within Eurotransplant, decisions that were made as well as the financial status. Detailed statistics for each organ are presented in ‘Collections’ in the Eurotransplant online statistics library.


This report will only be available online and will not be distributed by post. However, a hard-copy infographic, which shows the main highlights of Eurotransplant in 2019, will be published and distributed soon.

Best viewing experience of the digital Annual Report 2019 is guaranteed when using Acrobat Reader. Eurotransplant publishes two versions:

  1. Low resolution – minimum download time
  2. High resolution – longer download time, but higher quality of images; recommended for printing and/or enlarging

No part of this report may be reproduced without prior permission of Eurotransplant. For permissions or request of specific images, please contact:

Cancellation Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2020

The Eurotransplant Annual Meeting on September 24 and 25, 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This also means that the yearly Assembly will not take place this year. Currently we are preparing an alternative for the voting for members A of the Council of Medicine, which is normally part of the Assembly. The delegates will be informed about the procedure. Abstract submission for the Jon Van Rood Award 2020 is unfortunately not possible. The Jon van Rood award will be granted again next year. 

Although September 2020 looks still far away, it is difficult to predict when the situation will return to normal and what the possible consequences of this pandemic will be.

The Board of Management considers it not appropriate to proceed with the organization of the Annual Meeting, because of the huge effort and costs involved in the preparations of a scientific and accredited program. At present, worldwide many meetings and events taking place between now and September are being cancelled.

As the title of the Eurotransplant jubilee book states, ‘Together on a life-saving mission’, we follow the extended and increased measures taken by national authorities in controlling global spread of COVID-19. The recent situation regarding COVID-19 affects organ donation. All Eurotransplant countries have implemented preventive screenings policies for potential organ donors. For additional information, we kindly refer you to the newsitem on this website.

In the meantime, we will investigate the possibilities for organizing a meeting in the first half of 2021. 

The Eurotransplant Board of Management regrets the decision to cancel the meeting and wishes all health care professionals strength and good health during these difficult times.