Looking back on the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2022

Eurotransplant looks back on a successful Annual Meeting which took place from September 22-23, 2022 in Sassenheim, the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of welcoming more than 250 attendees from Eurotransplant member countries as well as guest speakers from Spain, France, Sweden, United Kingdom and Italy sharing their best practices and research.  

One of the highlights was the announcement of the winner of the Jon van Rood award. Dr. med. Georg Györi received the award for research on ‘Optimizing risk assessment before liver transplantation’. The award was handed out by Prof. Dr. Markus Guba (Chair Council of Medicine and Science) during the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting via livestream. 

We are glad that opportunities to exchange ideas were greatly used and many participants were actively involved in discussing new developments related to organ donation, allocation and transplantation. We thank all chairpersons and speakers for their valuable contribution and the interesting discussions.   

The Powerpointpresentations of the sessions will be listed on the membersite under ‘Organization’, click ‘Annual Meeting’. As soon as the exact date and venue of the Annual Meeting 2023 are known, we will publish this information on the Eurotransplant website.