Save the date: Annual Meeting 2022

We are pleased to announce the dates of the Annual Meeting 2022: September 22-23, 2022. Further information will be shared in the coming months. Please mark your calendar and save the dates of the Annual Meeting 2022. 

Throughout the year, Eurotransplant aims to connect with the ET community in various ways. The yearly in-person Winter meeting is one of them. With due regard to the current COVID-19 situation, Eurotransplant has decided to cancel the organization of the Winter Meeting 2022. The purpose of the Winter Meeting can simply not be fulfilled by organizing the event online. We will keep looking for other ways to stay connected, while still holding on to all safety measures. We will keep you updated about this via our online communication channels. 

Please visit and bookmark the website of the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting for the latest congress details and information: