Slovenia: 20 years of successful cooperation within Eurotransplant

In 2000, Slovenia joined the Eurotransplant cooperation. To celebrate this 20th anniversary a professional symposium takes place today in the University Medical Center of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Key professionals in donor and transplant medicine in Slovenia will present achievements and think about the future challenges. Peter Branger, general director of Eurotransplant, has shared his views on fruitful cooperation between Slovenia and Eurotransplant.  

Benefits of cooperation  

Through 20 years of excellent collaboration the cooperation enabled better treatment outcomes for many Slovenian patients, who benefited from a larger donor pool within Eurotransplant. Direct positive impact was seen in the rise of national donation rates, while waiting lists for transplantation became shorter. Combined transplantations became possible as well.

Eurotransplant congratulates Slovenia on this 20th anniversary and looks forward to continue the successful cooperation in the future.