Eurotransplant region

The total population of the eight member states of Eurotransplant numbers roughly 137 million people. There are around 14,000 patients on the waiting lists who need a donor organ. Eurotransplant yearly allocates more than 7,000 organs.


Austria has almost 9 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent. Donors are reported to a coordination center which is supported by a regional transplant coordinator. Donor procurement is decentralized with mobile teams moving to the hospitals and providing all (technical) equipment, preservation fluids and packaging required for organ retrieval.


Belgium has over 11.5 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent. Centers organizing the organ donations are also the centers performing the transplants.

The media in Belgium often report on organ donation and transplantation which results in good public awareness and a high organ donation rate. The number of effective donors is however decreasing because donors are more often medically unsuitable for donation due to advanced age and poor health.


Croatia has over 4.4 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent. Donors are reported to the national transplant coordinator.

Croatia has two types of transplant coordinators: the national transplant coordinator (together with eight transplant coordinators attending the duty desk), who works at the Ministry and transplant coordinators from the transplant centers. Both types of coordinators are joined in the national coordination network.


Germany has 83 million inhabitants. The legal system is informed consent. Despite having the same legal system there are many differences in donor rates between the so-called Bundesländer (16 states within Germany which have their own constitutions, parliaments and governments).

Many parties with different tasks are involved in organ donation. The organ procurement organization (DSO) closely cooperates with Eurotransplant and the transplant centers.


Hungary became a member of the Eurotransplant community on July 1, 2013. Hungary has about 10 million inhabitants and the legal system is presumed consent.


Luxembourg has about 0,5 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands have over 17 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent.


Slovenia has about 2 million inhabitants. The legal system is presumed consent. Donors are reported to the national coordination center which is supported by a regional transplant coordinator.

There are three types of coordinators. The hospital coordinators are responsible for the organizational part of donor procedures and for contacting relatives in case of a potential donor. Central coordinators are employed by Slovenija Transplant and work at the Ljubljana University Medical Center. Clinical coordinators manage the waiting list.